Rooms & Amenities
- Rooms 1, 2, 4 & 5 offer a pedestal sink in the room & a separate private access room with a toilet & shower.
- Room 3 offers a larger bathroom (toilet, tub, sink) with access through the hallway.
Each guest gets a complimentary hot breakfast served between 8:00 & 9:30 AM.
Other amenities include free WiFi, a free shuttle to the nearby Seneca Allegany Casino & Seneca Gaming & Entertainment.
Be Sure to check out our gift shop for a signature Tarry Here mug & other Native American items.
See photos below for details on each room or click here to tour the whole house
Room 1 (Orchid Room)

Room 2 (Magnolia Room)

Room 3 (Iris Room)

Room 4 (Rose Room)

Room 5 (Garden Room)